ThetaSomatics™ is a unique therapeutic method backed by neuroscience, somatics, psychology, EMDR, neuroplasticity and physiology - with a dash of ancient wisdom and spirituality.

This process is based on cultivating safety in mind (Theta) and body (Somatics) by releasing decades of unprocessed emotions and rewiring limiting subconscious beliefs you picked up throughout your life. Allowing your body to get out of survival mode and turn back on its healing or restorative processes.

Learn More With A Free Masterclass
  • I started suffering from chronic migraines in early 2022 and by the end of 2023, they were controlling my entire life - I would get them 3-5 a week and lived in fear.

    Somatic work was life changing and soon started easing off the frequency of my migraines. After just 30 days I went an entire month of only 1 migraine attack!

    Isabella and I then decided to do a single hypnotherapy session to rewire my brain and belief system, and while I still have some work to do with my self confidence, I've already started accepting myself the way I am. With ThetaSomatics™ I’m feeling very calm and at peace with myself and this is something I haven’t felt in a very long time. I used to get so triggered so easily, but now I know how to regulate myself and take care of my nervous system!

    From being so dysregulated for years, to getting rid of chronic migraines...this work has been a huge win for me and I’m so grateful Isabella has showed me to way back home to myself - back to feeling safe in my own body and back to being the gentle and compassionate woman that I truly am.

    Essi - Sydney, Australia

  • M.S, South Africa

    I am typing this message in tears and with gratitude. I'm finally losing weight despite my endometriosis! Thank you thank you!!

  • Beth, UK

    I just had my third 28 day cycle in a row. This feels insane! You've changed my life.

  • Laina, USA

    I can honestly say this is the first thing I've done that has been made an impact. I feel like my body is finally shifting out of fight or flight and I can't tell you how good that feels!

  • Astrid, Germany

    I've noticed so much improvement! Stomach ache levels, i sleep better and i even managed to lose some weight.

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    Suffering With The 'End of Year Blues'?

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    Suprising Symptoms of High Cortisol

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