Say 'Bye' To Burnout Forever

Say 'Bye' To Burnout Forever

If you're feeling knackered, exhausted, overwhelmed and like you've just got nothing left to give...

You're not alone. 

Research shows that women are 32% more likely to experience burnout than men and that 41% of millennial women feel stressed MOST of the time.

Which is unsurprising, given the amount of unpaid or emotional labour we have to deal with on top of being a good friend, sister, mum, colleague etc.

It's a lot. 

But it doesn't have to be your fate. 

If you're serious about saying goodbye to burnout so you can cultivate the energy and clarity you need not only to get through the day but actually go after your goals, then you need to prioritise this two-part process. 

This is the exact formula I used to go from barely surviving and burnt-out in my corporate consulting job...

To building my own business in just 6 months. 

Let's dive in. 

* First you have to get your body out of survival mode and learn how to regulate your nervous system. By using precise somatic movements you can tell your body that you’re in control, there's no threat, and that you're safe. 

This allows your body's processes to shift from focusing on survival to balance - boosting your metabolism, reproductive hormone balance, sleep, energy, immunity and so much more. 

* Secondly, you have to replace the limiting subconscious beliefs that run your life and keep you feeling like you're not good enough, lovable, deserving or worthy. You do this by harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to rewire your subconscious mind (which is in control at least 80% of the time). By boosting your self-worth you can respond to situations from a grounded place and lean on healthier coping mechanisms. 

To give you a personal example, my corporate burnout was definitely self-inflicted because I constantly said 'yes' to extra work - worried my colleagues would think I was 'lazy' or 'not working hard' if I set a boundary or asked for help. I skipped meals and workouts, cancelled plans with friends and let my job completely run my life. 

This was of course an unsustainable way to live, and eventually it clicked for me that your mental and physical health as well as your level of success were all largely determined by one thing:

Your nervous system’s capacity - in other words your body’s sense of safety: psychologically and physiologically.

This revelation inspired me to create my now trademarked therapeutic method ThetaSomatics™, which helps you build nervous system resilience and rewire your subconscious mind to replace negative limiting beliefs with new positive ones. Bringing your mind and body back to safety, and back to balance. 

Through this method, I was able to remind my brain that my worth is not tied to output (and that I was actually doing a really f**king good job) I was able to set better boundaries and finally got that promotion. 

Because I want everyone to have access to this work at an accessible price I put together The Restore Challenge - a 30 day guided course that helps you regulate your nervous system, release unprocessed emotions and rewire your brain.

Getting you out of survival mode so you can start THRIVING.  

Are you ready?

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