The Key To Mastering Menopause

The Key To Mastering Menopause

Contrary to popular belief and modern discourse, menopause doesn’t have to be this horrible roller-coaster ride, and there's a lot you can do to naturally support yourself through this transition.

Before we dive into the good stuff, lets recap what’s even going on at this phase in your life:

* In menopause your ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone, leading to symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and changes in sleep patterns.

* Crucially, when estrogen levels decline, the body can become more sensitive to stress (ugh great, I know).  

* So elevated cortisol levels (your primary stress hormone) can intensify menopausal symptoms and disrupt hormonal balance, making the transition tougher.

But what most people miss on their menopause management journey is the fact that our bodies store stress, emotions, traumas and memories…

And women (especially Mums) repress a lot of emotions just to keep the ship running smoothly for everyone else around them.

But the thing is, if we aren’t releasing these emotions and experiences properly from the body, it signals to our system that we are living in a constant state of stress. Putting even more pressure on our HPA axis and stress response.

So the solution is somatic work.

By releasing unprocessed emotions and traumas stored in the body via precise movements, telling it that it’s safe, you can get your stress hormones under control, pull yourself out of survival mode and get your body's processes focused on finding your new balance.

Boosting your metabolism, immunity, gut health, sleep and so much more.

I'm convinced that our sensitivity to stress during menopause happens because this transition is all about radically stepping into your power - letting go of expectations and other people's opinions because your body just can't handle it anymore.

It helps you step into your whole, worthy, magnetic self.

And once you make that mindset shift and begin to see this transition as a gift, and you start working WITH your body rather than against it, everything changes.

Somatic work is honestly magic for managing those menopausal symptoms and embracing this new chapter with grace, feeling confident energised and vibrant.

Don't make this harder on yourself than it has to be.

So if you’re ready to reclaim your energy and vibrancy then check out my Restore Challenge

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