If you’re exhausted, you feel like crap, you’re stressed, anxious, you’ve got debilitating or frustrating symptoms and you just don’t see the results from all your hard work on your diet and lifestyle, it’s not your fault and you are not alone.
You’re not broken.
Women’s health is in crisis everywhere. I mean 2,000+ women signed up to my 'Surviving To Thriving' Masterclass... there’s something going on.
- First off, women have 2 x the rate of depression as men
- Women report 50% higher stress levels than men. Which shows up as burnout, adrenal fatigue or cortisol issues.
- We have double the rate of insomnia
- 80% of us have a hormone imbalance
- 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting
- 70% of women with PCOS are undiagnosed
- Over the last 50 years the global fertility rate has decreased 50%
- AND 80% of people with autoimmune diseases are women
- + i could go on but i think you get the point
And what I find so frustrating, is that when we enter the healthcare system with the physical or emotional symptoms we just discussed...
We’re not taught that these symptoms all have the same root cause. They’re all connected.
99% of doctors won’t tell you this because western medicine because it only concerns itself with the diagnosis and treatment of disease. In my opinion, it's not about health promotion, it's not about disease prevention, and it's not about empowering people to improve their overall wellbeing.
The standout for me is the lack of a holistic perspective - failing to view health through the lens of interconnectedness. You can see a bunch of experts for different issues or symptoms you have, and most of them won't talk to each other or investigate what's actually driving your symptoms.
Personally, my health started falling apart when i was 12. My periods were painful and irregular, and I developed IBS, new allergies, eczema, peeling hands, anxiety, food intolerances, skin rashes + so much more (you can listen to my story here) in a very short space of time.
But crucially, I also had:
- Low self esteem
- Bullying at school
- Lack of safe, nourishing friendships
- Lack of emotional attunement from caregivers e.g. teachers
- A very harsh inner critic
- Perfectionist and people-pleasing tendencies
Did any of the doctors ever ask me about what was going on for me emotionally? No.
And what I find REALLY disappointing, is that although a mountain of research for decades (literally this isn’t new information) has warned us about the long-term risks of chronic stress, unprocessed emotions and unresolved trauma…
We are never taught that the root of all of these symptoms is a mind and body are living in survival mode.
Your mind and body don’t feel safe. THAT’S what’s driving or exacerbating your symptoms.
This is what healing from the root is all about.
And yes, of course you need to eat well and exercise, but if you’re reading this you’re probably doing all of that already and not seeing the results you’re looking for...which is because your body is focusing on survival, not healing or restoration.
Your emergency systems are ON HIGH.
Stress affects nearly every tissue in the body and your nervous system is in control of 80% of your body’s signals - only 20% go from the brain down.
So if 80% of your body’s signals are encoded with fear, lack, scarcity, worry, shame or pain - whether based on current/conscious events (e.g. work deadline), subconscious beliefs (e.g. i'll never be loved, it's hard to make money, i'm not good enough) or unprocessed emotions or traumas you haven’t released yet...that’s going to keep signalling to your body that you’re under threat, and you’ll stay in survival mode.
This is why my unique therapeutic method, ThetaSomatics™ was born. To help tackle stress in mind (Theta) and body (Somatics), returning you to a sense of SAFETY so your body can keep its emergency systems for emergencies, and dial back up healing and restoration.
Your body isn't falling apart, it's not broken and it's not failing you. It's just crying out for you to listen.
Want to learn more? Here are some helpful podcast episodes:
1. The Truth About High/Low Cortisol & How To Heal Naturally
2. Healing From The Root For Real Results
3. ThetaSomatics™ 101: What Is It, Why It Works + Client Stories